Investing in people and their creativity: yndeo Foundation
Investing in people and their creativity: yndeo Foundation
Angemeldet als:
Vladimir Rassushin, Pipette & Chart, Prague, Czech Rep.
EIC Business Coaching for EIC Accelerator Applicants "SHORT PROPOSAL" (STEP 1)
2 days of Coaching (16 h) in total, Remote via Zoom/Teams.
Free for EIC Accelerator Applicants, no hidden fees.
EIC Business Coaching for EIC Accelerator Applicants "FULL PROPOSAL" (STEP 2)
3 days of Coaching (24 h) in total, Remote via Zoom/Teams.
Free for EIC Accelerator Applicants, no hidden fees.
1/2 day of Coaching (4 h) in total, Remote via Zoom/Teams.
*)Reduced foundation fee, only for EIC Accelerator Applicants.
Individual Consulting for innovative Businesses, and Executives in Startups, SMEs, and Corporate Innovation Teams, or units
1 day of Consulting (8 h) in total
*) Reduced foundation fee, only for Innovation Projects.
Individual Consulting for NGOs, and Executives in Social Startups, Social SMEs, and Non-profit Organizations.
1 day of Consulting (8 h) in total
*) Reduced foundation fee, only for Social Purpose Projects and NGOs.
Individual, initializing Kick-off Workshop for Building a New Venture, for innovative Businesses, and Executives in Startups, SMEs, and Corporate Innovation Teams, or units
1/2 day of Workshop (4 h) in total.
*) Reduced foundation fee, only for Innovation Projects.
Individual Design Thinking Workshop for innovative Businesses, Startups, SMEs, and Corporate Innovation Teams, or units, NGOs, and Social Enterprises.
Finding creative solutions and answers to current or future challenges. Using the power of the team to create innovation. Listening to the real needs of your target groups, customers, clients, and users.
1/2 day of Workshop (4 h) in total.
*) Reduced foundation fee, only for Innovation Projects.
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